Understanding STC Ratings

  • Posted by Ashley Easterwood
  • On October 13, 2021
STC is an acronym for sound transmission class, which is a method to measure how well something attenuates sound traveling in space. Sound waves travel through mediums by vibrating molecules in the matter, resulting in different mediums conducting sound waves at different rates. Solid mediums will produce sound at a higher rate due to the […]

Serenity STC-35 Frame System

  • Posted by Ashley Easterwood
  • On December 3, 2020
Frameworks is pleased to offer a new option in the aluminum frame industry. The Frameworks Type II aluminum frame has now been tested with STC (Sound Transmission Class) rated wood doors from Graham and Maiman. Designed specifically for interior applications, this new solution consists of an STC 35 architectural wood door paired with Frameworks aluminum […]