4 Common Commercial Design Mistakes

  • Posted by Ashley Easterwood
  • On May 21, 2024
Commercial design should prioritize functionality and safety. Frameworks Manufacturing shares a few of the most common commercial design mistakes and how architects can create a safe, functional space with the use of aluminum framing systems: Common Mistakes With tight deadlines and budgets, architects may feel pressured to prioritize speed over quality. However, haphazard design can […]

The Importance of Fire Rated Design in Commercial Buildings

  • Posted by Ashley Easterwood
  • On January 18, 2024
According to EPS Security, fires cost commercial property owners more than 2.4 billion dollars every year. Therefore, fire rated design is one of the most effective ways to protect employees and business assets. Frameworks Manufacturing shares the importance of fire rated design in architecture and a few fire rated aluminum framing solutions for commercial buildings: […]

Framing Systems for Traditional vs. Open Concept Spaces

  • Posted by Ashley Easterwood
  • On August 24, 2023
For interior commercial spaces, there are two primary floor plans: traditional vs. open concept. While traditional floor plans offer more privacy and stylish sound control, open concept designs create a more spacious feel with better traffic flow. Both floor plans can be achieved with high-quality aluminum frames! Frameworks Manufacturing highlights popular framing systems for traditional […]